《Ja Myung Go/자명고》
자명(정려원)은 낙랑국 왕 최리(홍요섭)와 그의 첫 번째 부인 모하소(김성령) 사이에서 태어난 왕녀. 자명은 태어날 때부터 왕위 계승권자로 정해졌지만, 이복 자매 라희(박민영)의 생모이자 왕의 두 번째 부인인 왕자실(이미숙)의 계략으로 아기 때 궁 바깥으로 버려진다…
It is based on the Korean folk tale Prince Hodong and the Princess of Nakrang, which touches the story of the failed Nakrang Kingdom. According to the tale, there was a famous drum called the jamyeonggo, literally "the drum that beats by itself,"
that possessed the mysterious power to automatically sound an alarm whenever enemies would invade its kingdom. The self-sounding drum caused neighboring nations, including the warrior state of Goguryeo, to hesitate about attacking Nakrang. A prince of Goguryeo named Hodong infiltrated Nakrang with the mission of destroying the drum. But the prince unexpectedly fell in love with the princess of Nakrang. For her love, the princess eventually chose to tear off the drum to betray her country. As a result, her nation fell into ruin and she was killed. Prince Hodong mourned over her death, holding her body.